Spirit-Lifting Playlist from the Turntable of Nina Robinson aka DJ Sol 

Music is a brain stimulator and a mind regulator. Playing or listening to it  helps promote overall well-being and can contribute to achieving a healthy work-life balance. 

Here is a playlist of mood boosting music, compliments of Nina Robinson, a friend of Jubilee Justice,  who deftly balances her  professional life of financial activism with a musical life of fun.

DJ Sol’s Buen Vivir (Spotify) Playlist: Buen Vivir Playlist - playlist by Nina Sol | Spotify

Nina spends her days as Fund Director of RUNWAY, a nonprofit committed to building self-sufficiency in Black businesses and the communities that they serve. After hours she becomes DJ Nina Sol, goddess of the “ones-and-twos,” who spins happy music at party places internationally and no doubt is lifting spirits in the process.

Happy listening!


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